Hi! My name is fishmannyj a.k.a. fishheh.
I'm 18 years old and have 538 votes and 19 days 16 hours and 29 minutes.
I am putting in this staff/helper application for a few simple reasons.
1. I miss helping people and i see a lot of people being a constant nuisance on the server.
2. There are some times of the day when i am on and there are no other staff or helpers on, or they may be on but away from their keyboard.
3. I have experience helping the people of Kraftzone and felt successful at it in times before.
I am pretty easy to get along with and everyone needs a little fish. 😉
I have a good sense of humor and can have a great time.
I always have ideas and have time set to where i can do them.
I would love to have either spot and would be happy either way.
Thanks for viewing my application and if there are any other questions let me know.
Always better at asking for forgiveness than for permission.
1 question, which type of fish u is?
Clown Fish 😀
Always better at asking for forgiveness than for permission.
lol makes sense
Take over CreeperZx3's position please! you got it in my book
CreeperZx3 has just returned to the server with a fucked up hand.....
Fire melts ice 😛
okay then.... Take over CreeperZx3's & Sebbacus position please! mr Clown Fish 😀
Lol sea be nice only take creepers spot xD
you would be awesome, a great person to be with and you're great at WorldGuard and has experiene, playtime etc.
you would be great as staff. i hope.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
u were a great staff and u would be a great staff