Hi my name is aphrodisiac12
IG rank: Member
votes: 6+ (but working on getting lots more)
votes for February: 6 because i forgot about the votes
joined server: sometime around September 2012
totalplaytime: 94+ hours
I am a really good builder and love helping people, I am known to most of the staff, i love helping others and keeping order. I am on all day (i live in Canada so i tend to be on when most other staff are sleeping or at school. I am familiar with all the commands that come with the -staff position. I am mature and very respectful and i kno how to take a joke.
ps. deleted previous one due to a recommendation by redarrow
to get vote ./total (idk if you can do it or not) Not enough playtime...
i just dont think there is enough. From 1 1 to 5 rating, i'd give it a 3. 3 is like a C. This is the minimum required you can give. So its good. 1 thing to include, your rank.
Thank you Thecyberhedgehog
Yeah, more votes and playtime, I don't really ever see you online, or have heard much about you, so you're not to well known around the server (That or i'm living under a rock), but that also means you don't have negative attention either, and I think being on the same continent should mean you should be on around the same time as some US players and staff, anyways, Staff members get staff for their IGN achievements, I'm the only staff to get it b/c of my staff app, so vote more and play more is my advice
Yeh my recommendation; this goes to all future applicants who read this post:
The best way to earn staff is just to be online and have fun. Don't piss people off, enjoy yourself, and help people whenever you can. Make friends not enemies 😀 The best staff are friends with a lot of people, and the way to build those friendships with players is to be nice and help others whenever you can.
I should write a book about earning staff 😀
YAH true copy and aphrodiasc you could use more playtime and votes i dont see you on much perhaps it might just be the times i play.