Name: Acerbus555
Rank wanted: Staff/Support
Date of Application: Updated on 9/10/2012
Time: 1:38 PM CST
Total Time Played: 265:09:57
I am usually online between 12 AM CST and 5:30 AM CST, I have made this application in response to a comment made by Ytsen13 towards me on the server a while back, suggesting I should try for staff. I thank him greatly for this comment, as I hadn't really thought of trying for staff until he said this.
Over half the time I am online there are no support or staff online because of the time, I'm not blaming the Administration for this, as it is a very unpopular time of day, and there are usually ten of less players on during this time, but these players still need the help of a Staff/support member, and I feel I could help fill this void in Support/staff, as I am on Kraftzone at this time almost every night.
I am a very humble person, and I like to help people when I can. When I think of helping people though, I don't think of giving away free things. In fact, that would only make the players greedy and/or dependent, and would thus be a negative thing, and be in no way helping the player. I will help where help is needed.
I also try to avoid drama at all costs, and try to keep Kraftzone as friendly as possible. I appreciate this server as a safehaven for many Minecraft players in an ocean of servers filled with grief, bad administration, and mean players. I want to keep this server as open as possible to new players, while keeping it free of major grief and other issues.
I will admit, I had a bout of nighttime boredom once causing me to Trap the Wilderness 1 spawn point with a piston and Lava trap, and I apologize for this and swear to never do anything of it's like again unless in a creative, and nondestructive manner.
I have never been Staff or Support on a server such as this and I don't know the commands, but I am eager, willing, and able to learn.
To whoever has read this, Thank you.
Humbly yours,
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
Might still be a little too soon, given you're not part of this server for such a long time. You've got a lot of hours on the server, helping people out, reporting griefing on the forums. Just give it a little more time. I for one think you're suitable for the staff rank. Once all staff, support and most importantly Koolio trust you enough/ think you're ready, we'll inform you about it.
Alright, I'm a patient man. That's why I didn't make a application until prompted by your statement yesterday, as I have only been registered for about a month and a half, and I didn't think I had enough "time" under my belt, if you know what I mean, there is indeed a difference between playtime, and time. Thanks for your reply Ytsen.
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
If acerbus does not become staff than that is the worst mistake koolio can make. Acerbus is really cool really helpful honest true and just plain deserves to be staff
Thank you very much for that compliment Happy, I really appreciate it.
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
Ok. First things first. Your not 19. Your 9. If you were 19 you would have a life and you wouldn't play minecraft. Just saying. And your a bitch tattling on everything. If someone griefed, I can understand that. But your like a bitch x2! NO offense. You are nice to like 10 people, and you need a lot more play time. So, stop lieu g and being a bitch and I'll rethink what I wrote
[move]BITCH! :P[/move]
Seriously, just because he's 19 doesn't mean adults can't play games. I know a friend's mom that plays games and she's around 40 with a life.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
My father is 45 and Kicks my ass in video games, I just thought I would point this out. Also, Brick, I am as nice as I can be to everyone on this server, with people like you it is very hard to be nice, but at least I try to keep my composure. As for your assumption on my age, that just shows how immature you are, just like your post on my rank idea thread. It just makes you look silly, and makes people take your word with less and less consideration. You are undermining your own social status, and I don't really see the point of it, but I digress.
Please, do not reply here without anything constructive. This applies to those responding to Brick as well. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I don't want this to turn in to a thread of degenerative debate. You are only giving Brick something else to reply to when you post on here.
Thank you for your consideration,
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
I'm not going to sink to your level Brick, if that's what you are trying to do. I am above that.
So, please, Stop posting here with out anything constructive to say.
Thank you for your consideration,
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
I will repeat again.
Please, stop posting here without anything constructive to say.
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
That is not constructive, but thank you for attempting.
Though once again, I must ask you to please stop posting here without anything constructive to say.
Thank you,
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
Uhm, that is but, ok. And stop tattling so much.
Your being a pussy 😛 Ytsen this is neccesary.
"Constructive criticism is criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, with an offer of possible solutions"
I do not see that defining what you posted below. So, once again I must politely ask you to stop posting here without something constructive to say.
Also, I must add that none of this is necessary. This application for staff wasn't necessary, nor is playing Minecraft in general. So you adding these pointless comments, is far from necessary.
Thank you for reading,
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
Yeah, no shit Sherlock 😛 but I'll stop
Thank you for complying,
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
well i would think you be great for staff but your not exactly the long time member on the server
The badass ~Central 😀
I second this app seems like your nice acer
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Thanks guys. As you can probably tell, I haven't been on much recently. Everything is good in moderation, Minecraft included. So, I've been on a little break. I'm sure I'll get back in to it eventually though.
"Acerbus Praeteritus, Lucidus Posterus."
Acerbus, if you played for just a bit longer maybe about a month or 2 its like your almost blessed with staff power.:P.