I would like to apply for the rank of [Helper] because I like to help people with my free time. When anyone need's help I would like to insure the place of me being nice to everyone and I will change my way's of being mean to everyone else. I would also like to think that I am an easy going person when it comes to being generous and offering of the items.
Thank you for taking time out of you're busy and or lazy day to read my helper application.:D
Not sure koolios promoting people until august. And demote alot of people, maybe.
Helper -> Staff -> Support (cough)
The helpers will probably be redone. Alot of inactive helpers who dont do diddly squat.
I cant really build anything.
I disapprove this application since this app is clearly made in 2 mins...
I'm not trying to disappoint you but 1. It's good to give players items times to times but gold and iron not so much. So try not to give players items
2. "Another reason is because I am nice to staff members." Everyone says that.
3. Making a complete and decent application would actually give you more chances to get promoted to Helper rank.
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