I am currently building a large yacht, for this yacht I needed some beacons....about a stack.....so, I took a stack of nether stars wich would cost 512k at admin shop, and I went to the shop and bought some glass and obsidian to craft it....then I ran out of money so I asked SirMrManSheep for some, kindly he gave me 200k, a bit more than I needed but very kind! I then went along and crafted the rest of the beacons and placed them where I needed them.....Then kott came back (she was AFK) she then starts being bossy and asking us lots of questions and telling of SirMrManSheep for BEING NICE TO ME and destroys all of my beacons....she also didn't return my stars when I asked.....
Also I think Kot made a Post against him but it wasn't his fault!!!!
Fire melts ice 😛
PM me. NOW.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fire melts ice 😛
dafuq quote SirmrManSheep
second screenshot..
that aint true dafuq.. Sorry if you really thought that way Sheep but I dont hate you honestly you're certainly fairly new about being Staff it's perfectly normal if he didn't know certain stuff 😀
When I first got Staff srsly I messed up quite badly but I honestly improved since my mistakes.
I encourage you to not think that way ofc. I dont know where you got that idea from that everyone hates you? Doesn't mean Kott did what she did was meaning that she hates you.. it only mean't that she wanted to tell you that you weren't suppose to give out money.
She taught you a lesson so you should actually thank her really 😀
Well clearly Kott started out like me
just give her advise, Passion to ignore and Respect
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Seb seb seb....
you told everyone where i live
my full name
my age
my b day
isnt that enough offensive for me to kick you?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
In afew months everyone will forget your name in 1-2 months
A few people know my real name and my age and still i dont care
'isnt that enough offensive for me to kick you?'
that isnt an offense
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Well he told me really bad things too, that i dont have screenshots on. He also spammed with caps, said bad things, and swore at me. 1 kick and muting for 2 minutes is completely fine in my opinion.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You could have atlist gave him 3 warings before mute or kick
Mess with the best, die with the rest
i did, i told him to stop more than 3 times. Atleast 5. He was totally ignoring
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
OK just to finish this off...
@Seb first off no one banned you, so i dunno how you got that, kott was on the wrong to get involved they way she did, however you are in the wrong for calling out details of someone life, real names etc, especially to staff ... I will come down on you like a ton of bricks if you do it again, same goes for everyone. Its not clever, its disrespectful.
Just because you might know things about someone, does not mean you share it over the internet , I'm sure they can share what they want to share when they want to... you doing it as if to hold something over them in an argument, at best makes you look like an asshole for it doing it, at worst we won't even go there.
@Kot already been cleared up, its staff discretion over what gets given out to those doing building projects, if its something you don't agree or excessive then you see me about it
@sirmrmansheep no one hates you
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BOOM! That just happend, Koolio just served all of you guys.