I'm actually here to request an undoing of an appeal.
Re-ban Shawno. He is annoying and only ever starts fights and talks shit about everyone. He contributes nothing to the server and only begs to come back because trolling is his only form of entertainment.
[move]BAN HIM[/move]
The opposite of appeal is ban, which is located on the other section. Post it over there instead.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Shawn does not start fights anymore....... He just ends them.
Happy, he's a bitch. Just since your his friend doesn't mean you can't say the truth 😛
ok dont really see how ive been annoying...brick i think you need to get banned..all you do is fucking bash all day even bluedude said so and sly i dont know whats up your ass so chill.
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Shawn does not start fights anymore....... He just ends them.
LAWL i can say for a fact, he doesnt end fights but contributes to the flight, and he says he trys to end them... yea ok if insulting someone is trying to end it then yea i guess he ends them, NOT. Also i didnt say brick should be banned just he bashes alot just to clear that up
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
i didnt say u said he should get banned i said u said he bashes alot and when me and PKC were fighting the other day i tryed to stop u saw it i said "look im going to stop talking because ill be the mature one here" and he kept going on and i got pissed so and blue stay out of this because then were going to get in a fight and every little thing i saw ull end of muting me
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
you weren't trying to act mature and be quite you kept saying things to brandon that just fueled the flame, cussing at him and insulting him, but that is not to say he did the same thing because he did,and it got to a point where muting was the only option because you and brandon where annoying the other players, i didnt fight every little thing, you where just blaming me of picking sides, and muting brandon took alittle longer because i was slow at typing and lag on my end, and you kept arguing with me at how you are a "victim" but you kept contributing and i didnt fight with you, you took everything as a personal attack, honestly for a 8th grader, you should be past this playing victim and contributing to a fight then say you did nothing, instead own up to your mistakes, because once you graduate from high school that attitude and behavior will not work in the real world, or high school for a matter of fact, get over it, and the brick thing i miss read. And shawno dont try to argue this because you now every word i said is true, you haven't reach a maturity level of just letting go, yet and let alone always trying to justify wrongs,if you where mature then you wouldnt justify wrongs and you whould let go alot sooner.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
"look im going to stop talking because ill be the mature one here"
Saying you are the mature one, doesn't make you mature.
If you stopping to talk would end a fight, then do just that.. you don't say that's what your going to do and then include on the end that by you doing that, will make you the mature one. That's just trying to get in the lost word, plain baiting and augmentative shit stirring which is exactly what we already know about you Shawno!
And as for brickmaster42 grow up aswel, because you are all on my ban radar, except sly, bluedude and Lunarbrick.. the rest of you I'd recommend behaving.
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Ok Look. First Off Blue Your 15...so you cant say anything because your only like 1 year older than me and i think ive learned what the real world is like from my own expierences and my mistakes of myself and others....and koolio..i dont start shit with people, plant bait, etc. everyone starts shit with me because they want me banned for no good reason. i try to end the fight but the people wont stop fighting with me so i contuine to ramble on..
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Shawno i may be older then you but im a whole lot more mature then you, and i still stand by what i said, age doesn't make you an adult, maturity does, you may be 21 and still be immature and people say," why doesn't he act like a adult" not,"oh he's acting immature but he's 21 so he's a adult." So that's why im telling you this not because im older, but more mature, and because of that i am wiser because with maturity you look at things in a different way and because of that you gain wisdom and you lose attitude, and you should take what i say to heart, and if when you continue on you make it worse.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Ok Mr. Sage..if your so "mature" then why do you take sides when people fight? the only reason u muted PKC the other day is because you knew i wouldnt shut up and stop bitching to you because of your unfairness which wouldve happened
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
1. ShawnoTize I dont pick sides
2. i didnt mute brandon to shut you up
3. i was sick that day and im slower at typing when im sick, and im dyslexic so it sometimes takes me a few times before i type a name correctly, and i have lag on the server which everyone knows that my connection isnt the best and i usually lag
I like to add that I became staff because of my dedication and my maturity, heck some people thought i was 18 or 20 even so if you say i pick sides, you are just making a reality where you always win in the end, which i got over when i was in 5th grade, and frankly you should get over right now because im tired of your constant complaining and playing victum, you 14 years old not 10, i know alot of sixth graders more mature then you
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
dont see how im immature for trying to stop a fight that a bitch caused but carrying it out because they wouldnt shut the fuck up...
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
but carrying it out because they wouldnt shut the fuck up...
Mature person: wont cuss or make fun of some to try to end a fight or they whould ignore them or even leave the server at that moment
You: try cussing him out, making fun of him, continued the fight
Outcome if you where mature about it: brandon might have carried on and he would have got muted because you didnt continue but he might have
Your outcome: you tried to cuss him out, you carried it on so you got muted... again and brandon left which was smart and when your time of
being muted was up you where arguing with me about many things like you always do and it doesnt turn out well for you because the reason you got banned in the first place was for disrespecting koolio and you disrespect staff also, and you are still mad at me because i muted you the first time but naruto told me to not hold back in those kinds of situations, and you get mad at me for doing my job, being staff is being friendly to people and if someone steps out of line, to take action to keep the server at piece. also let me some up one more thing to you in a nicest way possible in 2 words, shut it
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
i didnt say anything to you after i got unmuted even someone said "queit shawno" and i said yea so..blue please if you didnt have the option to mute people youd do the same exact thing. and you proboly only got more mature because you got staff so i have nothing better to do spons fucking left with all my shit and im bored as fuck. i hate when we have these "heated discussiong" because then we both get pissed the fuck off at each other (which you can see i am right now)
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
i didnt get more mature when i got staff i got mature when i was just 10 ask my friends like joshman126, sheaX2, sanic32,Fivers11, Blackraine7, tora1998,screeper20, they all know me IRL and they know that i was and still am mature since i was 10 as for me i wish i can clear everything about you out of my mind because im done with you you have left a bad influence behind on kraftzone and because of that the next generation will start to act like you and it will keep spreading like a virus and then everyone else not influenced by bad attitudes will look and say, what has this world become, so i hope you just leave now and never come back
before that happens, before it gets so bad that in the future when i die i wont have to say, what has this world become, i wish more people would grow up so people dont have bad memories of this world when they die, you are one of many people that is making the next generation worse, or you can just stop, i lose fate in humanity when im walking around town and hear a 3rd grader cussing non stop and i wonder, how we got to this point, my only guess they learned from people like you.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
dude that was harsh you need to chill
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
being blunt seams like the only way i can get to you and im sorry but thats how i really feel and you should know this and think about adjusting your attitude before that happens, if by some chance you get a faint heart then i will gain more faith in the next generation because if you can get a faint heart (kind soft like the Grinch and the end of how the Grinch stole christmas) then anyone can
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story