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Non premium players here is the good news, you will still be able to play by using port 25575 ie ( // mc.kraftzone.tk:25575)
Same ip, just different port there will of course be some changes, you won't spawn at sky spawn, a new map area will be made where a portal will be placed for you to jump through in order to come to the main kraftzone server (ie skyspawn ) after you have registered or logged in.
The register/login plugin will still be used which I've become dependent on for some website features. If you are premium and connecting using the default port (25565) you won't have to register or login.
If you join the server via port( 25575) you can switch over to the main kraftzone server using "/server main"
and if you join using the default port, you can switch to what will be a new server spawn using "/server city" (command names may change)
The register/login plugin is working on both servers currently, it will be turned off for the main server for the final switch over sometime next week.
This is currently all setup right now so if you want to test it out go ahead. When this does go final, I still recommend all premium users to goto the login server and register your username with a password, this is good and I still recommend all players do it as the username/password you use in game not only ads another layer of protection for your account on kz servers, but also lets you use the website http://kraftzone.tk/server/ page where you need a server username/password anyway.
One last thing, there is some potential bad news this setup comes with one little flaw, which is why new premium players are highly recommended to go register a password for there username on the login server( /server city ) after the switch over. I only mention this because I doubt a complete plugin or script fix will be done in time for the final switch over to prevent this flaw. I also don't want to have to force the cracked server to be whitelisted to only those with existing accounts, or force new cracked players to register outside of the game to be whitelisted. However it may come to that is all I'm saying and its up for discussion if anyone wants to recommend doing that anyway.
Update 2
Now new premium players who join the server will get registered automatically on the lobby server, they will be able to get an assigned password via a command like /whatsmypassword (might be a one off command that only works once to prevent abuse) ...using that shown password or a changed password will then let them also login via the cracked server lobby (could be useful should the main server be down). This solves the slight security flaw I mentioned before, most premium players won't ever need the password, but it does have its uses and they will have a working website account just like cracked players do.
I only know of a few players who don't have a proper minecraft account now, and of them not all of them are regular enough to keep the player numbers up and ignore the loss of potential new players who join (which Kz has been doing since it started)
So its come to this, the final decisions to go premium only. If there any donators who aren't premium let me know as you guys are the only ones I'm considering to hold back on this move, though I'm pretty sure most donators are actually premium.
For those who aren't premium there might still be hope of getting access to Kraftzone premium via a bypass of mojang authentication check, though it will only be granted to regulars and those who have never shown any signs of being idiots.
If you would like to be considered for a backdoor pass leave a message here stating why, and also if you have a dedicated ip address (if you have a dynamic (changing) ip address when you reconnect to the internet, it will not be possible, though may in the future depending)
The switch is likely to be done for start of September.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Hey i have apremium account but its not lada so if you cud transfer the donation im okay with the premium server
Premium for the fact that I deal it will take kraftzone I a whole new level.
Well lots of people of Kraftzone have non-premuim, so if the server was made premuim the people who want to go on Kraftzone wont be able to access the server
Homies is kinda right i know
a lot of players who dosent have prim
Mess with the best, die with the rest
i have premium but not in my account Johnny. is it possible to transfer my ranks, my home, my stats to y premium account (if u transfer to premium server could u plz transfer if possible)
I think you will lose a lot of players if server turns to be premium... voted NO
I am premium and i am donator btw
I might have another solution.... while // mc.kraftzone.tk will become premium only (ie you will get authcheck)
non premium players will have to use say // mc.kraftzone.tk:25575 ...notice the different port where they will still get the register/login message.. then they can change to the premium server (ie main kz server)
Only just found out it might be possible to do it, without too much problem, infact way better solution than my original one for letting non premium players still play.
So basically non-premium will just have to use a different port number to connect if this works ( I haven't actually tested to see how well it would work, and if it works without any errors)
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Make a hub like server for non premium where they log in
Yes sick of the croations.
That has nothing to do with premium or non premium Dilly...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Dilly that makes no sense to this topic.
haha lol
Dilly that makes no sense to this topic.
Yes it does.
More than Half the "croations" are cracked.
so its going to be like this a premium server only? Btw wats a backdoor pass???
It feels like all the staff and support are prim
so what will happen in the crack server? (destruction XD)
Mess with the best, die with the rest
so its going to be like this a premium server only? Btw wats a backdoor pass???
it was going to be something done a little different, however its now just another server ( mc.kraftzone.tk:25575 ) that cracked users will have to use, that goes to the register/login world, and from that they can goto the main kraftzone server.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
for that saying im donor but im not premium on my account Johnny but i do own a premium account and its Th3Chinese.
I think it should be done