Hi everyone,
We're pleased to announce that CoM: Zombies is now available to all players on KraftZone!
Whether you love slaying the undead or just enjoy some friendly competition among friends and community members, we're sure you'll have a blast in this new mini-game. There is money to be earned, monster kill totals to increase and boasting rights to be won!
CoM: Zombies is based on the popular video game "Call of Duty" and the Zombies mini-game associated with it. Players may join/leave games and even play the mini-game in a multiplayer or single player setting.
Upon entering the arena you will notice a point sheet on the right hand side; you gain points for killing zombies. You can spend points on doors to progress through the levels (simply right click the signs with enough points).
You will notice other strange signs on the walls; these signs are gun, perk and mystery box signs.
The mystery box will give you a random reward for a set amount of points.
The Perk signs will give you a perk for a specific amount of points.
The gun sign will tell you the type of gun available and the amount of ammo that comes with it. The guns are free of charge!
The commands associated with the arena are very straight forward - the following commands are the only important commands to regular players:
/z arenalist - This will show you the available arenas and current progress of the games being played.
/z join (arena name) - This will bring you to the arena of your choice.
/z leave - This will allow the player to leave the current game of Zombies.
We do hope all you enjoy the new mini-game and do encourage you to play with unfamiliar players!
As this mini-game is currently in a 'BETA' state and will constantly be upgraded please tell us of all problems/issues that arise or suggestions to increase the fun of that particular arena.
Best of luck and have lots of fun!
Thanks lily
Some pictures of the 'mondays' arena /z join mondays
Will be adding some more arenas later, the first arenas were really just to test out the plugin, upcoming arenas will hopefully be more challenging adventures and bigger.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1