New map added for 1.8
Fresh 1.8 world has been added to the server now, it is the new default survival map. You can get to it via command /world18
For those with areas on the old world (the map from 1.6-1.8 use /whereami if not sure) it will be frozen sometime before next month, that means that you will not be able to build or break blocks on it anymore. Your homes, teleports, town spawns etc will continue to work and you can still visit the map though
Also the 1.7-1.8 amp world will remain aswel you can still get to it view /wilderness
As a measure for those with homes on multiple worlds, everyone has gotten 1 extra home.
Meaning all players have 2 homes now /sethome <name> and /home<name>
Houses and items will not be moved, its fresh start and that means that the new map has its own separated inventory system from the other server maps.
Coming soon will be player shop market, instead of warp signs to playermade shops, everyone will rent a shop space at the market and setup there chestshops in one location for everyone to browse.
Rank changes
Helper/Staff/Support changes:
Brandon_MC is Staff!
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nice screenshot im so jealous about dem shaders I wish I could play with shaders without it being 4fps...
Pepsi87: it appears I have privledges to do whatever in announcements only, aye koolio yo perms bunk yo
Rank changes
Helper/Staff/Support changes:
None for now -maybe edited later-
haha i think there is an edit that needs to be added 😉
damnit koolio you forgot to promote me </333
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
lol. you guys gotta stop trying and start helpin, or else ur never gonna get staff/helper
lol chris brandon and zking are both Staff now..
Shit kills me. Need a kz comedy show on tv. Make millions
I cant really build anything.
I still wonder why it is the April Updates 2014. But I guess the server is a year behind 😀
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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shhhhh 😀
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post was made for April 1st hmmkay 😛
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Official Trailer:
Hihi, I was wondering whether it was a joke or not, but I was confused anyhow... 😀
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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