So I noticed I hadn't made one of these news posts in 2months..
Anyway isn't much going on right now, servers a bit dead because the hosting turned out to be garbage even I don't want to play/idle on the server.
The hosting hardware is actually very good, however sharing it with one other guy who seems to be torrenting the internets and all of its porn I think.. So the disk io and net speed are maxed 24/7 on 1gps port, which completely defeats the point of me having the majority ram and cpu share, the trial and first couple of days were good for the minecraft server so I kept it, derp mistake.
Well that's Germany hosting over again, I have ordered a dedicated server in France now, (back to where KZ started, should definitely be better pings from USA) also this time no sharing and professional (lol I kid they don't seem professional, but at least they got all the full on legal corp crap going on), however I'm having to wait still. And sadly they still not even taken payment for it, so could be some more days before I can move all the kz server files over to it.
Well that's about it, the cityworld build competition that was planned will be the first thing to start when I get server setup.
Until then think of Kraftzone on summer break go outside kick a ball or whatever sports shit that's cool these days, skateboarding?
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Skateboarding 😀
I like skateboarding, don't do it anymore.
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I'm getting advice from a know it all wise guy, and I thought you would know better.
"Koolio you aught to try this new sport called getting married and having a family. "
Interesting you refer to that as a 'sport', do you know how fucking dumb that sounds... its a not a sport, its not a race, its not a lot of things you are obviously oblivious to for having made such a statement to me. And fyi I have no interest in wanting bring up a family in a scum run country like the one I live in right now. To not understand why I say those things is to not be ignorant of a lot of things.
Post ignorance... not today.
"I think its been popular for several thousand years. People of all ethnic groups and races like it."
What marriage? Do you know all ethnic groups and races in this world outside of your limited world experience and view of history? Ask yourself that.
Commitment and 'Marriage' are not the same things, the later is tied to a legal binding contracts (which most seem to understand fuck all about and so divorces are so lucrative for legal scum, no benefit to families or children involved whatsoever).. a disgusting element that should never have been allowed into a couples relationship. If you think its needed then you are basically promoting the continued abdication of responsibility to take care of partners or children you have in this world. And for said people entering contracts who need to be governed by the corrupt, elect and minister scum the world over. Woe unto them all for they are thieves, liars and worse for what they do forcing dependency on there legal corruption, keeping people ignorant and leading them into such societal, monetary etc systems for abuse.
"Another fun thing is a life away from minecraft. Sometimes it can be fun."
I don't need to be told what can be fun thanks.
And lastly... "I suggest you should give it a try"
I suggest you never talk or give me 'advice' like this ever again because I didn't take this as sincere at all when you know nothing about me. It comes across as pure ignorant and ignorance ain't cute!
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Just a joke sorry for any offense dent mean it that way sorry for my ignorant remark
Obviously I didn't see it that way, so don't take offense about what I said.
I accept your apology.
And in other news..
Unfortunately we have no server at all now as I had asked what turned out to be the lag server host for a partial refund after I ordered the new dedicated server, as I didn't want to be paying for the full month after finding out it was just not so usable for a minecraft server. Which has been sorted out so that's why its closed now. I did get backups of the maps tonight so very little rollback for anyone who was actually building.
The new dedicated server ... which according to there customer support .... "Your order is still in check status and should be processed shortly.." ..the checked shortly part still hasn't happened after going on 2days now ... My server hosting luck is great right? I can't help but laugh
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Again i apologize i didnt mean it but i completely understand where you are coming from and everything stated is completely understood and i totally agree but i just dont want offense taken where it is not dealt
Will the map be renew
lol but you guys have to make a new sky spawn XD
Mess with the best, die with the rest
"Will the map be renew"
Same maps...
"but you guys have to make a new sky spawn XD"
Why do you say that? ...I have been thinking about putting the sky spawn, into freebuild world... so all the floating islands are above old titan town... or maybe putting it in the survival world and just redoing the town underneath it on the ground...
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