OI! I'm not cheating I swear. THAT'S LEGIT! Well Bob is right, so am I. It looks just like you Koolio. THE ROFL COPTER GOES SOISOISOISOISOI! Greetings, we are Anonymous. What does the Fox say? DRINK BLEACH AND DIE! Wow im staf- oh wait. I cured cancer, caused deadly tumors. Brb lemme roll back the server... oh god. Try Kraftzone.net! How many eras has it been? Frankbot cannont be beaten. I think theres a way. My TAB finger got lazy. Who likes cream soda? The NSA is horrible. I fix one thing... another thing breaks. YOU SOLD THEM AT A FORTH OF THE PRICE!? Koolio is now AFK. The answer is Koolio.